Talking Australia, China and the Economics-Security Nexus on the Sinica Podcast

Sinica Podcast, December 2024

On 20 December 2024, I spoke with Kaiser Kuo of the Sinica Podcast on Australia, China and the Economics-Security Nexus. Over the course of an hour and a half, we explored the big economic and security trends shaping the Australia-China relationship over the past 15 years, what the China-Japan relationship tells us about how perceptions of insecurity can curiously motivate closer economic ties between adversarial states, and why - despite key distinctions in how Australia and the US have navigated relations with China - people still tend to conflate Australia’s experience with America’s. It was also great to discuss two of my recent academic pieces — “The Collective Logic of Chinese Hegemonic Order,” and “Power, Shared Ideas and Order Transition” — as part of a wider conversation with Kaiser on pluralism, international order, and China’s role in shaping the emerging post-unipolar world.


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